Very Be Careful
Bootlegged across the Americas, pumped in the clubs, and ripped in cyberspace and the airwaves around the world, VeryBeCareful forges ahead globetrotting alongside legends and antiheros: JoeStrummer, AlfredoGutierrez, Antibalas, CarlosVives, GrupoNiche, KronosQuartet, GogolBordello, BuenaVistaSocialClub, JackWhite, CelsoPiña, VampireWeekend, FrukoYSusTesos. Their infamous fifteen year traditions hosting old school “dances” for Valentine’sDay, NewYear’sEve, 20deJulio, Halloween, and the legendary July Fourth Brooklyn “CumbiaUnderTheSparks” rooftop affair, has brought together people from around the globe itchin’ for those early roots sounds that prove a stripped down parranda is the fiercest and funnest way to party.